MDG/SURE-P/NACA MULTIDISEASES AND HIV AWARENESS OUTREACHES December 2015 to February 2016 In December of 2015 NACA with funding from the Millennium Development Goals(MDG) and the Subsidy Reinvestment Program (SURE-P) subcontracted ADRAP to provide community HTC and multi-disease medical interventions for the Mangwu community in Plateau state, Biliri in Gombe, Das and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa university community in Bauchi, College of Education, Angwan Zaria, Gudi and Rinze communities in Nasarawa state, Wurno LGA in Sokoto, Nahuche community of Bugundu LGA in Zamfara state, Gwandu community Yar Yar in Kebbi state and Irepodun and Omu-aran communities of Kwara state. ADRAP provided HIV counseling and counseling, free medical consultations and treatment to over 36,000 individuals. Hepatitis B and C testing as well as screening for diabetes was also provided during the project period.